
The Tony Dorsett, Touch Down Football League (TDFL) was established in 1996 and became a 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Organization in 1997.

The league was designed to encourage boys and girls from Gallup and the surrounding areas to engage in the game of football, both in flag and in tackle.

NFL Dallas Cowboy Hall of Famer Tony Dorsett brought his group of Dallas Cowboys alums to Gallup to raise money to get the league started.

With front men, former Cowboy greats Ron Springs and Everson Walls raised seed money to jump start the league, buying uniforms, helmets, shoulder pads, field equipment, and all of the necessities of a start up program. As a result, the league purchased the best equipment money could buy, and, after all the bills were paid, had funds to sustain the league for the first three years.

The leadership ran the league like a business, and through the generosity of the community, team sponsorships kept up and low registration fees maintained with no need for any fundraisers.

Over the 28 years of existence, TDFL has produced numerous championship teams winning not only city championships, but state championships against bigger city teams representing affiliated (YAFL) leagues, as well as Four Corners Championships encompassing teams from New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and, in some years, Wyoming and Idaho. Not to mention a variety of young athletes who competed at the college level - including TDFL's first NFL player, Chris Williams.

While at New Mexico State University, Chris led the nation in pass receiving yards in Division 1, NCAA football. And, who in a Sunday night game, brought pride to the Gallup TDFL league when he returned a kickoff 102 yards against the Green Bay Packers, while playing for the Chicago Bears. Amongst his years as player, Chris played in the Canadian Football League where he received numerous honors.

In 2008, TDFL began its Four Corners Invitational Youth Football Championships where up to 58 teams compete annually in early November, representing New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah - a regional gem of an event for youth football. While communities have started tournaments similar to this, Gallup's tournament is one of the few tournaments that as remained strong.

The league is headquartered on North Sixth Street in Gallup at the Tom Saucedo Memorial Park, where games are played on the Sammy C. Chioda TDFL field. There is never a charge to watch.

The present board are all volunteers from Gallup and the area. None of. these board members have current players participating in the league, a testimony to how they care for our youth and making a difference in the lives of the 300 young men and women of the TDFL family. The league has registered over 15,00 youngsters to play since its inception.

The Tony Dorsett, Touch Down Football League - TDFL!

Interested in supporting the league?

Reach out about becoming a sponsor, and we'll be in touch shortly.