Rules of Conduct

We want to ensure all participants understand good sportsmanship.

It is our experience that, during a game, each team can expect to receive 3 questionable calls by the Officials. Do not argue calls with the referees. If you wish to discuss an official's call, speak ONLY to the White Hat, not the Line Judge on your sideline. The officials are High School officials, but sometimes mistakes are made.

Should a player be ejected by the Game Officials, it may jeopardize that player's ability to continue competing. Head Coaches are ultimately responsible for the conduct of all coaches, players, patents and spectators on their sidelines.

Should a coach, parent, or spectator be ejected for misconduct, they will be escorted from the area until the conclusion of the game. Should an ejected person fail to immediately leave the game fields when instructed, the TDFL Administration will contact the Gallup Police Department to remove the person. Please advise everyone on your team, the TDFL Administration takes sportsmanship and proper conduct very seriously.

You have brought your children to participate so THEY can have fun. The TDFL Administrators will be present at the fields during all games. Should you need any assistance, locate the nearest TDFL administrator.

If there is a possible serious injury, DO NOT MOVE THE PLAYER and DO NOT REMOVE THE PLAYER'S HELMET. Find the nearest TDFL Administrator. Emergency service is available at the games. Any serious injury will be responded to by calling 911, and emergency service available there.

Familiarize yourself with the Gallup area and ensure you know where the fields are located. Give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the fields prior to your games.

Interested in supporting the league?

Reach out about becoming a sponsor, and we'll be in touch shortly.